Race Matters: Origins, Perspectives and and Strategies for the Current Charged Moment

Race Matters: Origins, Perspectives and and Strategies for the Current Charged Moment

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Events surrounding Baltimore, Ferguson, and the “Black Lives Matter” movement illuminate the persistence of institutionalized racism as well as the unfortunate reoccurrence of police brutality in the United States. These recent events have reinvigorated conversations about structural economic inequality, the school to prison pipeline, white privilege, the criminalization of people of color, the militarization of law enforcement and a constellation of other converging political and social problems that have emerged or persisted since the Civil Rights Movement. This mini-unit curriculum is designed to help teachers and administrators initiate meaningful conversations amongst students in order to foster a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of race relations in the twenty-first century.  This is geared toward 8-12th graders, and ideally should be taught across 1-2 weeks.



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